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KaraFun Player

KaraFun Player is no longer updated. Check out KaraFun Windows.

KaraFun Player hangs and does not respond when I sync songs offline

In some rare situation, KaraFun Player hangs whenever you sync files offline (or use the catalog offline sync with a Pro. Subscription).

Although many reasons can explain this unfortunate situation, here's a list of solutions you can try to solve your issue:

  1. Right click on KaraFun Player icon and click on Properties. Under compatibility, make sure nothing is checked
  2. Make sure you have enough disk space on your hard drive
  3. Make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements
  4. Make sure KaraFun Player and its cache folder are on the same disk partition as Windows

If none of these solutions work, feel free to get in touch and we'll do our utmost to get you out of this situation.

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