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How can I suggest missing songs on KaraFun?

We are doing our utmost to offer you the most comprehensive karaoke catalog.

However, in some cases, a track which is unavailable means we don't have the necessary authorizations to use it. Have a look at our dedicated page listing the authors that do not authorize karaoke videos.

Yet, we do have a simple way to request a song on the following page :

Request a Song

Once you have validated your suggestion, our team will process and record your request.

Please bear in mind producing a karaoke may take time and we can't guarantee a release date should we have the rights and all the materials to produce this song.

Hence, we ask you to be patient and not to contact our technical support for your suggestions request to avoid unnecessary workload.

Happy Singing!

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  1. How about adding music from South Africa - The Pacific Express - Give a little love. Music from Canada - Burton Cummings' - Stand tall
  2. How about a section entitled FUNNY SING-ALONG SONGS - or even just Sing-Along Songs that everyone knows and can join in with. Savis us searching for each one seperately. Love the site and am having such fun with it.
  3. Can you please please PLEASE get some songs by Starset? Mainly Halo, Monster, and Starlight.....also New Poetry by Innerpartysystem....I'm DYING to sing them!!
  4. looking for The Allisons, Are You Sure, 1961, Eurovision, Any chance, brilliant duet
  5. Is it possible to add When sunny gets blue to your list
  6. Please add: Frankie Valli - Grease
  7. Request Shattered dreams by johnny hates jazz.
  8. Evening Star from 110 in the Shade
  9. Request list:Neil Diamond. 1: Songs of life 2:Story of my life 3:Clown town 4: I who have nothing 5:A'int no sunshine when shes gone 6:You are the best part of me 7:Save the last dance 8:Hallelujah 9:Unchained melody. Neil Diamond sang all these his way so would be great if you could get his version of them. Many thanks Andy.

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