18 November 2017 Wait... there’s a Karaoke World Championships!? Oh but of course there is. And we've got the Finns to thank! Not content just being the masterminds behind the bubble... #Fun #Singer #Animation
15 November 2017 15 GIFs that explain karaoke If a picture is worth a thousand words, than a GIF has gotta be worth an infinity. Here, 15 situations that you'll... #Fun
15 September 2017 The lazy person’s karaoke: songs that contain only one sentence In this period of studious return, next summer’s vacation probably seems as far away as retirement. To slowly get you... #Fun #Singer
17 July 2017 11 emojis for 11 playlists This July 17th marks World Emoji Day. Yes, yes… we can hear you: “Wait, what the….?” So, let us explain! Emojis... #Fun #Animation
3 July 2017 Why do certain songs get stuck in our head? We’ve all been victim; a friend sings something out loud and the rest of the day the melody and lyrics are stuck in... #Fun #Singer
1 July 2017 A car‑aoke playlist for the road Road trips can be long and one without music can seem interminable. If you’re planning on hitting the road this... #Fun