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News songs

What happened in November?

What happened in November?

222 songs in karaoke version were added to KaraFun during the month of November. Discover Canter, Smack That or Don't...
What happened in October?

What happened in October?

226 songs in Karaoke Video files were added to KaraFun during the month of October. Discover Grace, Memories or It's a...
What happened in September?

What happened in September?

161 songs in Karaoke Song were added to KaraFun during the month of September. Discover Everybody Loves Somebody...
What happened in August?

What happened in August?

167 songs in Karaoke Video files were added to KaraFun during the month of August. Discover Dance Monkey, Blowing in the...
What happened in July?

What happened in July?

228 songs in Karaoke Song were added to KaraFun during the month of July. Discover I'm So Excited (single version),...
What happened in June?

What happened in June?

203 songs in karaoke version were added to KaraFun during the month of June. Discover I Just Can't Wait to Be King, Beer...