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“Dear KaraFun” - How do I sing without interrupting use of KaraFun?


How can I use KaraFun to search for a song while someone is singing without causing interruption?
Colleen - Ireland


Dual-Screen! This feature opens a second screen that displays solely the karaoke words so that singing can continue while still allowing you to search for songs, add to the playlist and continue using KaraFun uninterrupted.

Windows and Mac

Easy as pie! Simply activate the Dual-Screen option by clicking on the icon, found at the top to the left of the seek bar. A moveable and adjustable second screen will pop up. You can enlarge the screen by double clicking directly on the pop-up window. Learn more for Windows and Mac.

Android, iPad and iPhone

As the size of these devices poses certain constraints, the dual display screen is always displayed, unlike our Windows and Mac apps.
This screen can be displaced by tapping on it, holding down and moving it to the desired location. To minimize this screen, simply sweep it to the side. Swipe back to make it reappear.

Transferring lyrics to and second monitor or screen / TV

If you are wanting to transfer this dual screen to a second monitor or TV via cable or streaming, here’s how.

Remote Control

The remote feature is also available. Guests can use their smartphone or tablet to search songs, add to the queue and much more without interrupting usage of KaraFun. Learn more here.

See previous months' "Dear KaraFun" questions: How do I save the key and tempo ? How do I suggest a song ?, What is beta?, Can I have one subscription on many devices ?

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