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Celebrate dad with a song

Dads deserve to be celebrated at the very least once a year. As big kids themselves, they'd love to do it all over again, live it up and be the center of attention. But it's normally dad, with his sly sense of humor and dad-knows-best wisdom that he makes you feel like you're his one and only. He's the one that knows, even before you're willing to admit it, that the boy/girl you bring home, just isn't right for you. Dad's don't even get their feelings hurt when you show him how much you care with an ugly tie, a measly bottle of cologne...or even a song.

So for all of these reasons, and to satisfy this music lover, who perhaps gave you a taste for singing, here are a few titles to sing just for him, to make his heart melt this Father's Day.

We've got the best of the best with our extensive song catalog!

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